Jeff Fein Press and Music Reviews

Cheers to the Vikings review Jeff Fein's "Luxury"

NYC Singer-songwriter Jeff Fein’s new single “Luxury” is a gentle masterpiece that captivates from the first note. The melody is soothing and beautifully arranged perfectly complementing Jeff’s rich and stunning voice. His talent for songwriting shines through with thoughtful and touching lyrics seamlessly blending with the vocal melodies.

The instrumental arrangement is delicate enhancing the song’s overall feel without overpowering the vocals. Fein’s ability to evoke deep emotions through his music is remarkable and “Luxury” is no exception. The song encourages listeners to pause and appreciate the simple often overlooked comforts in life.

Pop Culture Press: Interviews Jeff Fein

Witnessing the accelerating rate at which our society is changing due to the ubiquitous implementation of technology is certainly fascinating and alarming. Humans routinely spend almost seven hours a day online according to the recent Global Overview Report from DataReportal. That’s more than three times the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute’s recommended amount of less than two hours a day. This is no shock to indie singer and Doctor of Medicine Jeff Fein who recognizes both his work and leisure time is dedicated to online activity. “Even though I’m very conscious of it, I’m just as addicted to my smartphone as everyone else,” Fein says. This conglomerate of irony and frustration resulted in the artist’s comedic yet reflective single “In Front of a Screen.” The song fusions piano and symbols, creating a fresh pop sound, serving as the backdrop for evocative lyrics. Listeners will find themselves tapping along to the melody and nodding along to the relevant messages embedded in each chorus and verse.